Interface Command

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAnnotationCommand, AbstractBookmarkCommand, AbstractContextCommand, AbstractDocumentCommand, AbstractMouseCommand, AbstractPageViewCommand, AbstractServerOperationCommand, com.levigo.jadice.web.client.commands.internal.AbstractSetCurrentPageCommand, AbstractToggleSearchCommand, ActivateRolloutSearchCommand, ActivateToolbarSearchCommand, ActivateToolCommand, AddBookmarkCommand, AnnotationPropertyEditor, AnnotationVisibilityCommand, AttachGridCommand, AutoActivationCommand, CancelAreaSelectionCommand, ColorEditor, CreateAnnotationCommand, CreateAnnotationViaApiCommand, DeleteSelectedAnnotationsCommand, DownloadExportCommand, EnableToolCommand, ExportCommand, FirstPageCommand, FitPageCommand, FitPageOnceCommand, FontFaceEditor, FontSizeEditor, FullscreenCommand, GoogleMapsTool.GoogleMapsCommand, GoogleSearchTool.GoogleSearchCommand, GradationActionCommand, GradationCurveCommand, HighlightTextCommand, HorizontalAlignmentEditor, HorizontalAlignmentEditor.AlignmentCommand, IconifiedTextEditor, InjectedCommand, InjectedWidgetCommand, JadiceDocumentViewer.OpenSubmenuCommand, LastPageCommand, LineWidthEditor, LocaleCommand, NextBookmarkCommand, NextPageCommand, OpenFileCommand, PreviousBookmarkCommand, PreviousPageCommand, PrintExportCommand, RedoCommand, RemoveAllBookmarksCommand, RemoveBookmarkCommand, RemovePagesCommand, ResampleFilterCommand, RotateCommand, SaveAnnotationsCommand, SelectPageLayoutCommand, ShowAnnotationEditorCommand, ShowGradationCommand, ShowKeyBindingCommand, ShowResolutionCalibrationWidgetCommand, SimpleCommand, SpinCommand, StartAreaSelectionCommand, TextAwareAnnotationCommand, TextEditor, TextSearchTool.TextSearchCommand, TextToSpeechTool.TextToSpeechCommand, ThumbnailToolCommand, ToggleEditor, ToggleNotificationsCommand, TransparencyEditor, UndoCommand, WidgetBasedAnnotationPropertyEditor, WikipediaSearchTool.WikipediaSearchCommand, ZoomCommand, ZoomToCommand

public interface Command
Basic interface for all commands.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    Permission checking for a command works as follows:
    Execute the command.
    default String
    The ID of the command.
    default boolean
    Returns an indicator whether the command is available and therefore integrable.
    default boolean
    Returns an indicator whether the command is available for the given context arguments.
    default boolean
    Returns the selected state of this command.
  • Method Details

    • execute

      void execute(Collection<Object> args)
      Execute the command.
      args - arguments for the command (contains all items for all actions inside of the context!)
    • canExecute

      default boolean canExecute(Collection<Object> args)
      Permission checking for a command works as follows:

      1. Check user privileges if the command is executable.
      2. Ask if the command is executable with the given objects.

      args - arguments for the command
      true - executable with these arguments,
      false - impossible to execute this command with these arguments
    • isSelected

      default boolean isSelected(Collection<Object> args)
      Returns the selected state of this command. This is typically used only for commands with a meaningful selection state.
      args - arguments for the command
      true - selected with these arguments,
      false - not selected with these arguments
    • isAvailable

      default boolean isAvailable()
      Returns an indicator whether the command is available and therefore integrable.
      true - available false - not available
    • isAvailable

      default boolean isAvailable(Collection<Object> args)
      Returns an indicator whether the command is available for the given context arguments.
      args - arguments for the command
      true - available false - not available
    • getID

      default String getID()
      The ID of the command. This is typically the command class name. If the Command is parameterized the ID should comprise the class name + parameter information.
      the ID of the command