Interface ToolManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ToolManager
Manages the viewer-/page-view-related client-side Tools.
  • Method Details

    • register

      <T extends Tool> T register(Class<T> tc, boolean enabled)
      Registers the tool of the given class if the tool instance of this class is not currently registered as tool. If a tool of this class is already registered, this method simply returns the registered instance. Otherwise a tool instance will be created, registered and returned.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type extending Tool
      tc - The tool class
      enabled - Specifies whether the tool will initially be enabled or not
      the registered tool instance
    • deregister

      Tool deregister(Class<? extends Tool> tc)

      Deregisters the tool of the given class if the tool instance of this class is currently registered as tool. The deregistered tool instance will be returned if a matching tool instance was found and deregistered. Otherwise null will be returned.

      tc - the tool class
      the deregistered tool instance or null if available otherwise null. Be aware this tool instance is already deregistered when returned and can not be used as tool anymore.
    • activate

      void activate(Class<? extends Tool> tc)

      Activates the tool of the given class.

      tc - the tool class
      IllegalArgumentException - if no tool of the given class is currently managed by this ToolManager
    • handleEditEvent

      void handleEditEvent(Class<?> context, EditEvent e)
    • hasTool

      boolean hasTool(Class<? extends Tool> cls)
      Returns whether this tool manager currently manages a tool of the given class.
      cls - The class to check
      True, if a tool of the given class is managed, false else
    • getTool

      <T extends Tool> T getTool(Class<T> cls)
      Returns the tool instance for the given tool class, or null if no such tool is registered.
      Type Parameters:
      T - A type extending Tool
      cls - The class of the tool to return
      The tool if existing, null else
    • isActive

      boolean isActive(Class<? extends Tool> tc)
      Return whether the tool of the given class is currently active.
      tc - the tool class
      true if the tool is active
    • isExclusive

      boolean isExclusive()
      Return whether the exclusive tool mode is active, i.e. if the currently active tool is also the exclusive tool. In exclusive mode no tools except the exclusive one get a chance to render or handle events.
      true if exclusive mode is active
    • render

      void render(RenderParameters parameters)
      Render the Tool UIs using the given RenderControls.

      This render method is usually called within the context and during the rendering of a single page. It will dispatch the render calls to all active tools.

      parameters - the render parameters to use
    • setEnabled

      void setEnabled(Class<? extends Tool> tc, boolean enabled)
      Change the enabled state of the tool of the given class.
      tc - the tool class
      enabled - true to enabled the tool, otherwise false
      IllegalArgumentException - if no tool of the given class is currently managed by this ToolManager
    • isEnabled

      boolean isEnabled(Class<? extends Tool> tc)
      Checks whether the given Tool is enabled. This method will not fail if the Tool has not yet been registered. Instead, for non registered tools this method will return false.
      tc - The class of the tool to check
      true if the Tool is enabled, or false if it is not or the Tool has not yet been registered.
    • setExclusive

      void setExclusive(Class<? extends Tool> tc)
      Set the tool of the given class to be the exclusive tool.
      tc - The class of the tool to make exclusive
      IllegalArgumentException - if no tool of the given class is currently managed by this ToolManager
    • setNonExclusive

      void setNonExclusive(Class<? extends Tool> tc)
      Leave exclusive mode. Whatever tool is currently exclusive will loose its exclusive status. If there is currently no exclusive mode tool, this call has no effect.
      tc - The class of the tool to make non-exclusive
    • addPropertyChangeListener addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
      Adds a property change listener.
      listener - The listener to add
      Registration to remove the listener
      See Also:
    • addToolChangedHandler addToolChangedHandler(ToolChangedEvent.Handler handler)
      Adds a tool changed handler.
      handler - the handler to add
      HandlerRegistration to remove the handler
    • getCompatibleTools

      <T> Collection<T> getCompatibleTools(Class<T> clazz)
      Returns all registered Tools which are derived from the given class or which implement the given interface. Only tools in the state 'enabled' are considered.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of class or interface in question
      clazz - the class or interface in question
      a (possibly empty) collection of tools
    • getCompatibleTools

      <T> Collection<T> getCompatibleTools(Class<T> clazz, boolean enabledOnly)
      Return all registered Tools which are derived from the given class or which implement the given interface.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of class or interface in question
      clazz - the class or interface in question
      enabledOnly - whether only enabled tools (true) or all registered tools shall be considered
      a (possibly empty) collection of tools
    • getRegisteredToolClasses

      Collection<Class<? extends Tool>> getRegisteredToolClasses()
      Allows access to all registered tool classes. This method will return active and inactive Tools. The returned Collection is read-only and does not follow any kind of sorting. (The order is random)
      a Collection of all registered Tool classes
    • getMenuContributors

      Collection<? extends MenuContributor> getMenuContributors()
      Return the current list of tools suitable as menu contributors.
      a read-only list of tools
    • setActivationPolicy

      void setActivationPolicy(ToolActivationPolicy activationPolicy)
    • getActivationPolicy

      ToolActivationPolicy getActivationPolicy()
    • getStatusFeedback

      String getStatusFeedback()
    • setStatusFeedback

      void setStatusFeedback(String statusFeedback)
    • getActiveTool

      Class<? extends Tool> getActiveTool()
      Returns the Class of the currently active Tool or null if no Tool has been activated
      the Class of the currently active Tool or null
    • setViewComponent

      void setViewComponent(ViewComponent viewComponent)
    • getViewComponent

      ViewComponent getViewComponent()
    • setCursor

      @Deprecated void setCursor( cursor)
      Use setCursor(String) instead. To convert easily, just add .getCssName() to this method's cursor parameter
    • setCursor

      void setCursor(String cursor)
      Sets the currently used cursor. Examples: setCursor("crosshair") or
      cursor - the css value of the cursor to be set
    • fireToolChangedEvent

      void fireToolChangedEvent(ToolChangedEvent event)
      Fires a ToolChangedEvent to all listeners.
      event - the ToolChangedEvent which should be fired