Class DemoSystem


public abstract class DemoSystem extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • DemoSystem

      protected DemoSystem()
  • Method Details

    • get

      public static DemoSystem get(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext context)
      Retrieve the a DemoSystem instance associated with the given ServletContext. If no DemoSystem has been associated with the ServletContext this method will return null. If a DemoSystem instance other than a DemoSystem instance has been associated with the given ServletContext, an IllegalStateException will be thrown.
      context -
      the DemoSystem
      IllegalStateException - if no DemoSystem instance has been associated with the given ServletContext
      IllegalArgumentException - if context is null
    • attach

      protected static void attach(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext context, DemoSystem demoSystem)
      Attach a given DemoSystem implementation with the ServletContext.
      context - the target ServletContext
      demoSystem - the DemoSystem implementation to be associated with the ServletContext
    • shutdown

      public final void shutdown()
    • doShutdown

      protected abstract void doShutdown()