Interface ServerConfiguration

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultServerConfiguration, SpringPropertiesServerConfiguration

public interface ServerConfiguration
Holds the set of JWT server properties.

The intention of this interface is to hide the actual implementation of the configuration from the user and provide a pluggable interface. Public access to the properties stored in here is provided in a static manner by ConfigurationManager.getServerConfiguration().

This enables the JWT to provide different implementations for different configuration frameworks in the future. Implementations of this interface can then be passed to ConfigurationManager.setServerConfiguration(ServerConfiguration).

  • Method Details

    • isTileCachingEnabled

      boolean isTileCachingEnabled()
      Returns whether server side tile caching is enabled or not.
      true if the server side tile caching is enabled, false if not
    • setTileCachingEnabled

      void setTileCachingEnabled(boolean tileCachingEnabled)
      This enables the server side caching of tiles, so that they do not need to be rendered every time. It is highly recommended to enable it.
      tileCachingEnabled - True if tile caching should be enabled, false if not
    • getTileCompressionType

      ServerConfiguration.TileCompressionType getTileCompressionType()
      Returns the ServerConfiguration.TileCompressionType used by the TileServlet to write the PNG tiles
      the TileCompressionType
    • setTileCompressionType

      void setTileCompressionType(ServerConfiguration.TileCompressionType tileCompressionType)
      Sets the ServerConfiguration.TileCompressionType used by the TileServlet to write the PNG tiles
      tileCompressionType - the TileCompressionType
    • getNetworkConfiguration

      ServerConfiguration.NetworkConfiguration getNetworkConfiguration()
      the ServerConfiguration.NetworkConfiguration used to initialize values of the network layer.
    • getClientConfiguration

      ClientConfiguration getClientConfiguration()
      the ClientConfiguration used to expose configs for all clients by the server
    • setClientConfiguration

      void setClientConfiguration(ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration)
      replace the default configuration
      clientConfiguration - the ClientConfiguration used to expose configs for all clients by the server
    • getMetricNames

      MetricNamesConfiguration getMetricNames()
      the MetricNamesConfiguration used to individually rename metrics generated by the jadice web toolkit
    • setMetricNames

      void setMetricNames(MetricNamesConfiguration metricNames)
      metricNames - set the MetricNamesConfiguration used to individually rename metrics generated by the jadice web toolkit
    • getGeneralPoolCoreSize

      int getGeneralPoolCoreSize()
      Returns the core pool size for general tasks which is the minimum number of workers to keep alive (and not allow to time out etc).
    • setGeneralPoolCoreSize

      void setGeneralPoolCoreSize(int generalPoolCoreSize)
      Sets the core pool size for general tasks which is the minimum number of workers to keep alive (and not allow to time out etc). Must not be less than 0
      generalPoolCoreSize -
    • getGeneralPoolMaxSize

      int getGeneralPoolMaxSize()
      Returns the maximum pool size for general tasks.
    • setGeneralPoolMaxSize

      void setGeneralPoolMaxSize(int generalPoolMaxSize)
      Sets the maximum pool size for general tasks. Must be greater than 0
      generalPoolMaxSize -
    • setJadiceCorePoolSize

      void setJadiceCorePoolSize(int jadiceCorePoolSize)
      Set the size of the thread pool, that is used by jadice utils / jadice core in ThreadPoolTaskService
    • getJadiceCorePoolSize

      int getJadiceCorePoolSize()
      Get the size of the thread pool, that is used by jadice utils / jadice core in ThreadPoolTaskService
    • setJadiceCoreMaxPoolSize

      void setJadiceCoreMaxPoolSize(int jadiceCoreMaxPoolSize)
      Set the maximum size of the thread pool, that is used by jadice utils / jadice core in ThreadPoolTaskService
    • getJadiceCoreMaxPoolSize

      int getJadiceCoreMaxPoolSize()
      Set the maximum size of the thread pool, that is used by jadice utils / jadice core in ThreadPoolTaskService
    • getTileRendererPoolCoreSize

      int getTileRendererPoolCoreSize()
      Returns the core pool size for tile rendering which is the minimum number of workers to keep alive (and not allow to time out etc).
    • setTileRendererPoolCoreSize

      void setTileRendererPoolCoreSize(int tileRendererPoolCoreSize)
      Sets the core pool size for tile rendering which is the minimum number of workers to keep alive (and not allow to time out etc). Must not be less than 0
      tileRendererPoolCoreSize -
    • getTileRendererPoolMaxSize

      int getTileRendererPoolMaxSize()
      Returns the maximum pool size for tile rendering.
    • setTileRendererPoolMaxSize

      void setTileRendererPoolMaxSize(int tileRendererPoolMaxSize)
      Sets the maximum pool size for tile rendering. Must be greater than 0
      tileRendererPoolMaxSize -
    • getTileRendererMaxParallelRenderingPerClient

      int getTileRendererMaxParallelRenderingPerClient()
      Returns the amount of how many rendering-threads a single client can utilize
    • setTileRendererMaxParallelRenderingPerClient

      void setTileRendererMaxParallelRenderingPerClient(int tileRendererMaxParallelRenderingPerClient)
      Sets the number of how many rendering-threads a single client can utilize. By default, the value is determined by getTileRendererPoolMaxSize(). If this value is set to more than 8, tileRendererMaxParallelRenderingPerClient will be the value minus 2, if it is less than 8, tileRendererMaxParallelRenderingPerClient will be the value minus 1. Set 0 if a client can utilize all rendering-threads.
      tileRendererMaxParallelRenderingPerClient - the amount of how many rendering-threads a single client can utilize
    • getTileRendererMaxQueueSizeActive

      int getTileRendererMaxQueueSizeActive()
      Returns the maximum amount Tile-requests that can be in the queue of the executor
      the maximum amount Tile-requests that can be in the queue of the executor
    • setTileRendererMaxQueueSizeActive

      void setTileRendererMaxQueueSizeActive(int tileRendererMaxQueueSizeActive)
      Sets the maximum amount Tile-requests that can be in the queue of the executor
      tileRendererMaxQueueSizeActive - the maximum amount Tile-requests that can be in the queue of the executor
    • getTileRendererMaxPendingRequestsSize

      int getTileRendererMaxPendingRequestsSize()
      Returns the maximum amount Tile-requests that can be in the queue of pending requests
      the maximum amount Tile-requests that can be in the queue of pending requests
    • setTileRendererMaxPendingRequestsSize

      void setTileRendererMaxPendingRequestsSize(int tileRendererMaxPendingRequestsSize)
      Sets the maximum amount Tile-requests that can be in the queue of the pending requests
      tileRendererMaxPendingRequestsSize - the maximum amount Tile-requests that can be in the queue of pending requests
    • getTileCachingHeaderExpiryTime

      int getTileCachingHeaderExpiryTime()
      Returns the expiry time of tiles in the clients browser-cache in seconds. A value of 0 means that the tile will not be cached.
      the time a tile will be kept in the clients browser-cache
      See Also:
    • setTileCachingHeaderExpiryTime

      void setTileCachingHeaderExpiryTime(int tileCachingHeaderExpiryTime)
      Sets the expiry time of tiles in the clients browser-cache in seconds. To disable caching on the client browser set this value to 0 (this will also disable the Etag-Header).
      tileCachingHeaderExpiryTime - the time a tile will be kept in the clients browser-cache
      See Also:
    • isCacheFilterEnabled

      boolean isCacheFilterEnabled()
      Returns true if the Servlet-Filter that sets caching-headers to static resources is enabled or not (default: true)
      true if it is enabled, false otherwise
    • setCacheFilterEnabled

      void setCacheFilterEnabled(boolean cacheFilterEnabled)
      Enabled/disables the Servlet-Filter that sets caching-headers to static resources
      cacheFilterEnabled - enable or disable the Servlet-Filter
    • isNoCacheFilterEnabled

      boolean isNoCacheFilterEnabled()
      Returns true if the Servlet-Filter that sets caching-headers to static resources is enabled or not (default: true)
      true if it is enabled, false otherwise
    • setNoCacheFilterEnabled

      void setNoCacheFilterEnabled(boolean noCacheFilterEnabled)
      Enabled/disables the Servlet-Filter that sets caching-headers to static resources
      noCacheFilterEnabled - enable or disable the Servlet-Filter
    • isTileCacheFilterEnabled

      boolean isTileCacheFilterEnabled()
      Returns true if the Servlet-Filter that sets caching-headers to Tiles is enabled or not (default: true)
      true if it is enabled, false otherwise
    • setTileCacheFilterEnabled

      void setTileCacheFilterEnabled(boolean tileCacheFilterEnabled)
      Enabled/disables the Servlet-Filter that sets caching-headers to Tiles
      tileCacheFilterEnabled - enable or disable the Servlet-Filter
    • getFlowWorkerPoolCoreSize

      int getFlowWorkerPoolCoreSize()
      The core pool size for jadice flow workers which is the minimum number of workers to keep alive (and not allow to time out etc).
    • setFlowWorkerPoolCoreSize

      void setFlowWorkerPoolCoreSize(int flowWorkerPoolCoreSize)
      Sets the core pool size for jadice flow workers which is the minimum number of workers to keep alive (and not allow to time out etc). Must not be less than 0
      flowWorkerPoolCoreSize -
    • getFlowWorkerPoolMaxSize

      int getFlowWorkerPoolMaxSize()
      the maximum pool size for flow workers.
    • setFlowWorkerPoolMaxSize

      void setFlowWorkerPoolMaxSize(int flowWorkerPoolMaxSize)
      Sets the maximum pool size for flow workers.
      flowWorkerPoolMaxSize - Must be greater than 0
    • getFlowWorkerMaxQueueSizeActive

      int getFlowWorkerMaxQueueSizeActive()
      Returns the maximum amount flow requests that can be in the queue of the executor
      the maximum amount flow requests that can be in the queue of the executor
    • setFlowWorkerMaxQueueSizeActive

      void setFlowWorkerMaxQueueSizeActive(int flowWorkerMaxQueueSizeActive)
      Sets the maximum amount of flow requests that can be in the queue of the executor
      flowWorkerMaxQueueSizeActive - the maximum amount flow requests that can be in the queue of the executor
    • setRenderControlsMetricsFilters

      void setRenderControlsMetricsFilters(List<RenderControlsMetricsFilter> filters)
      Clear the existing list and add all filters passed in
      filters - the filters used for exposing finer grained render metrics
    • getRenderControlsMetricsFilters

      List<RenderControlsMetricsFilter> getRenderControlsMetricsFilters()
      the filters used for exposing finer grained render metrics
    • setDocumentReadMetricsFilters

      void setDocumentReadMetricsFilters(List<DocumentReadMetricsFilter> filters)
      Clear the existing list and add all filters passed in
      filters - the filters used for exposing finer grained document read metrics
    • getDocumentReadMetricsFilters

      List<DocumentReadMetricsFilter> getDocumentReadMetricsFilters()
      the filters used for exposing finer grained document read metrics
    • setPageSegmentHandleMetricsFilters

      void setPageSegmentHandleMetricsFilters(List<PageSegmentHandleMetricsFilter> pageSegmentHandleMetricsFilters)
      Clear the existing list and add all filters passed in
      pageSegmentHandleMetricsFilters - the filters used for exposing finer grained render metrics, that are PageSegmentHandler based.
    • getPageSegmentHandleMetricsFilters

      List<PageSegmentHandleMetricsFilter> getPageSegmentHandleMetricsFilters()
      the filters used for exposing finer grained render metrics, that are PageSegmentHandler based.
    • isUseSessionSpecificDocumentKey

      boolean isUseSessionSpecificDocumentKey()
    • setUseSessionSpecificDocumentKey

      void setUseSessionSpecificDocumentKey(boolean useSessionSpecificDocumentKey)
      The PlainInvocationContext in the TileServlet uses the authentication-info of AuthenticationInfoManager if it is present. To receive the authentication-info the client-id is used. The client-id is generated by the client at creation time of the client (application loaded in browser).

      If this flag is true, instead of the browser-defined client-id the session-id is used (HttpSession).

      useSessionSpecificDocumentKey - set true, if you want to use the session-id for the client-id while retrieving the authentication-info in the id-generation step of the TileServlet
    • isTileCancellationEnabled

      boolean isTileCancellationEnabled()
    • setTileCancellationEnabled

      void setTileCancellationEnabled(boolean tileCancellationEnabled)
    • setTextContentBunchSize

      void setTextContentBunchSize(int bunchSize)
      If using the com.levigo.jadice.web.client.config.ClientConfiguration's setIsTextContentStreaming method, you can set here how many Line objects you want to bundle before sending the bundle within one single message over the JWT connection framework
      bunchSize - how many lines to bundle
    • getTextContentBunchSize

      int getTextContentBunchSize()
      the value set in setTextContentBunchSize(int)
    • getPdfStructureReadStrategy

      com.levigo.jadice.format.pdf.settings.PDFStructureReaderSettings.PDFStructureReadStrategy getPdfStructureReadStrategy()
      Returns the configured Read-Strategy for PDF files.
    • setPdfStructureReadStrategy

      void setPdfStructureReadStrategy(com.levigo.jadice.format.pdf.settings.PDFStructureReaderSettings.PDFStructureReadStrategy pdfStructureReadStrategy)
      Sets the Read-Strategy for PDF files.
      pdfStructureReadStrategy -