Interface AnnotationProfileRegistry

public interface AnnotationProfileRegistry
The AnnotationProfileRegistry holds all AnnotationProfiles and offers methods to register and obtain profiles.

Additionally AnnotationImageProviders can be registered on profiles, serving images for the appropriate JWTImageAnnoation.

  • Method Details

    • registerProfile

      void registerProfile(AnnotationProfile annotationProfile)
      Registers an AnnotationProfile at the registry.
      annotationProfile - the AnnotationProfile to register
    • registerProfile

      void registerProfile(String name, AnnotationProfile annotationProfile)
      Registers an AnnotationProfile at the registry on a given name.
      name - the name to register the AnnotationProfile on
      annotationProfile - the AnnotationProfile to register
    • registerAnnotationImageProvider

      void registerAnnotationImageProvider(String annotationProfileName, AnnotationImageProvider annotationImageProvider)
      Registers an AnnotationImageProvider at the registry on a given profile name.
      annotationProfileName - the profile name to register the AnnotationImageProvider on
      annotationImageProvider - the AnnotationImageProvider to register
    • getRegisteredNames

      Set<String> getRegisteredNames()
      Obtains all profile names that have been registered.
      a Set of all registered names
    • getRegisteredAnnotationProfiles

      Collection<AnnotationProfile> getRegisteredAnnotationProfiles()
      Obtains all registered AnnotationProfiles.
      a Collection of all registered AnnotationProfiles
    • getAnnotationProfile

      AnnotationProfile getAnnotationProfile(String name)
      Obtains an AnnotationProfile by a given name.
      name - on which the AnnotationProfile was registered on
      the appropriate AnnotationProfile or null if none was found.