Class Gesture

Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractWranglerGesture, MoveGesture, PanForceTool.PanForceGesture, RotatedAnnotationsResizeGesture

public abstract class Gesture extends Object
A Gesture is a user-interaction thats more than a single Event.

When a Gesture has been started, all Browser-Events will be brought directly to the Gesture-Object, so no other Element will be able to capture some Events.

Gestures needs to call stop(), when they think, that they are finished, to reset to the normal Event-Flow.

use for example as PanGestures, ZoomGestures, MouseGestures, SelectionGestures,...

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Gesture

      public Gesture()
  • Method Details

    • currentGestureStop

      @Deprecated public static void currentGestureStop()
      Stops the current running Gesture, for test-Applications only!
    • addHandler

      public addHandler(Gesture.GestureHandler handler)
    • getSnapToForSelection

      protected Grid.SnapTo getSnapToForSelection(List<ShapeBasedAnnotation> selectedAnnos)
      Returns the Grid.SnapTo for the current selection. When all selected annotations are configured to be aligned on the same SnapTo this SnapTo is returned. Defaults to the top left corner if annotations are configured to be aligned on different SnapTos.
      selectedAnnos - The selected annotations that are moved
      The SnapTo each selected annotation will be positioned on
    • init

      protected abstract void init()
      Add your Dom-Handlers here
    • start

      public final void start()
      Starts the Gesture

      All Events will be routed to this Gesture

    • addDomHandler

      protected <H extends> void addDomHandler(H handler,<H> type)
      Adds a new Handler called when the Gesture has been started
      Type Parameters:
      H - the type of handler to add
      type - the event key
      handler - the handler
    • stop

      public final void stop()
      Stops the Gesture. Call this when your Gesture has been finished.

      Releases the Capture on the Gesture, so the Events will be routed normal.

    • onStop

      protected void onStop()
      Called when the Gesture is stopped
    • onStart

      protected void onStart()
      Called when the Gesture is started
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()