Class TextEditorPopupExecutor


public class TextEditorPopupExecutor extends Object
A popup executor for the TextEditor to ensure text can be applied to the anno when the popup is closed by clicking outside the popup and to configure whether the popup should be closed when clicking outside the popup..
  • Method Details

    • get

      public static TextEditorPopupExecutor get()
    • init

      public TextEditorPopupExecutor init(TextAnnotationWrangler.EditorBehaviorOnOutsideClick behavior, boolean calculateEditorHeightOnEditorOpen)
    • execute

      public void execute(com.levigo.jadice.web.client.viewer.internal.BasicPageView pageView, TextEditor editor, Collection<Object> context, Rectangle editorBounds, pageContainer)
    • hide

      public void hide(boolean autoHide)
      Hides the open text editor. This should be called before dispatching a server operation that uses the annotation data in some way (e.g. export).
      autoHide - Whether this hide was triggered automatically. Required to be true if the changes should be applied.