All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract base class for annotation specific intents.
The Basic parts of a Toolbar
Abstract base class for Bookmark commands.
Abstract base class for context aware injected commands.
Abstract superclass for all commands, which need a viewer and a document for functionality.
The supported scopes for this command.
AbstractDocumentEvent is the abstract root class for document events.
This class is made to manage commands which can be triggered by mouse events.
Simple Notification-Superclass, providing - hide method - autohide-feature
This is an abstract base class for page concerning document events or simply page events.
Abstract superclass for commands which are functional just in conjunction with a PageView instance.
Abstract class to handle common server based import actions.
The AbstractTransportServlet defines the basic behavior of transport servlet.
An abstract implementation of UndoableEdit that provides undo/redo descriptions by a common AbstractUndoableEdit.getDescription().
The Action provides the content of all kind of buttons or menu items.
A manager for ActionRegistrys.
Utils class to support easy registering Actions to any Widget or global to the body
An ActionRegistry is used to store RegisteredActions after their creation.
Activates the RolloutSearch.
Command to activate the RolloutSearch embedded in the defined toolbar.
This type of AnnotationIntent declares the intention to add annotations to a document.
Command to add a Bookmark for the current page
This class is responsible for sending the search string to the server and handle the asynchronously received results on the client side.
A bunch of static utility methods useful in conjunction with AffineTransforms.
An annotation used to specify a member into which the argument collection itself should be injected.
An abstract base class for all annotations.
Implementations of this interface can be used to configure annotation specific settings.
A toolbar providing annotation editing functions such as buttons for editing colors, line widths, text formatting, font sizes, font faces etc.
An AnnotationImageProvider serves an appropriate image for the JWTImageAnnotationRenderer depending on the annotations' image identifier.
The AnnotationImageResolver maps specific AnnotationProfiles onto appropriate AnnotationImageProviders.
This servlet handles annotation image requests.
Annotation initializer.
This is just a marker interface to identify annotation specific intents.
A semantic event which indicates the occurrence of annotation changes.
A semantic event which indicates the occurrence of annotation changes.
Possible event type identifiers: Property related State related Mode related Action related
Possible event type identifiers: Property related State related Mode related Action related
Helper class for annotation permission checks.
A toolbar providing annotation creation behaviour.
The AnnotationProfileRegistry holds all AnnotationProfiles and offers methods to register and obtain profiles.
Handler to receive the AnnotationProfile, when the request is finished.
JWTs client-side AnnotationRenderSettings.
An AnnotationRenderStrategy decides if an annotation shall be rendered on server side or on client side.
Helper class for various annotation related information, like permission checks or retrieval of annotation collections.
Manages the selected Annotations
An implementation of AnnotationToolbarInitializer can be used to create a toolbar for an AnnotationProfile.
A generator to create tooltip texts for annotations.
Dynamically adjusts the zoom factor for each displayed page.
This tool can be used to select an area in the page view.
This toolbar is shown when an area is selected with the AreaSelectionTool.
An annotation used to specify arguments to be injected into InjectedCommands.
An annotation looking like an arrow.
The primary interface a caller must implement to receive a response from a remote procedure call.
Attaches a Grid to the underlying document.
This servlet handles audio requests.
The manager holds all information about the connected clients and their provided authentication information.
The Basic parts of a Toolbar
This class provides encode/decode for RFC 2045 Base64 as defined by RFC 2045, N.
Encapsulates the rendering configuration for the whole document.
An enumeration of type safe rotation values.
A simple Action which is not registered in an action registry.
Service, handling split Uploads
A variable IconFont implementation.
Default implementation of the MenuBuilder.
JWT default implementation of the RenderControlInventory interface.
Synchronizes modifications of the document wide RenderControls.
A base class used to provide several parameters for rendering purposes.
Implementation of the default ToolManager.
A typesafe enumeration to indicate bias to a position in the model.
Defines a client side bookmark - e.g.
Factory class to create client side Bookmark instances.
The client side BookmarkList holds client side Bookmark-objects and provides some basic access methods.
Factory to create client side BookmarkLists for documents.
A panel containing the button to add, remove and navigate between bookmarks and a list of all bookmarks of the document.
A simple standard implementation of a Grid that may specify bounds defining an offset and borders.
If you want your own cache configuration you have to provide a Component that returns a CacheConfiguration.
This Filter adds the required HTTP Headers to the to the HttpServletResponse to allow the browser to cache the requested resource.
A sub type of a TextAnnotation which has a text box and a callout arrow line which points to a specific point in the document.
As of release, replaced by CalloutAnnotationRenderer
Common utility methods for working with CalloutAnnotations.
Wrangler for CalloutAnnotations.
Command to cancel the current area selection.
Callback interface to be used in situations where a process is started that may be canceled for some reason.
Requests the cancellation of a given conversation on the server.
An exception indicating that a redo has failed.
An exception indicating that an undo has failed.
Represents a cell in a grid.
This type of AnnotationIntent declares the intention to change one or more annotations as a document or as individual annotation intent.
Exception-checked version of BiFunction.
An Annotation consisting of 0-n checkbox elements.
A source that reads a file from the class path.
A source that reads a file from the class path.
An upstream view of a Client.
Holds the set of global jadice web toolkit client configuration properties.
This class provides public access for integrators (and the jadice web toolkit client classes, of course) to read and set jadice web toolkit client settings.
A ClientSession represents a session from a particular client which is identified by a unique session ID.
An internal clipboard used by the TextSelectionTool and the TextSelectionTouchTool to save the selected text and give other classes (especially commands) access to it.
Basic interface for all commands.
Helper class for JavaScriptAPI.
DocumentDataProvider for composite documents.
Handle for clientside defined composite documents.
Source for clientside defined composite documents.
This class provides access to read and set application settings of the JWT.
A possible implementation of how to listen to the event bus : delegate the info into a console panel
The Context is the center of the context model.
Enum used to determine whether the aggregated view includes elements of ancestor (parent, grand-parent etc.) contexts.
Enum used to determine whether the aggregated view includes elements of child contexts.
Interface for listeners who wish to be notified upon refreshes/changes of the Context they register with.
Displays a menu or a context menu.
A handler to connect the menu or context menu with the item content.
Abstract class for all a menu or context menu item.
A menu or context menu item which executes the contained command when clicking on the item.
Style for the menu or context menu
Utilities for working with ContextualFactory objects.
A factory depending on an InvocationContext providing specific information about the context of the object creation.
A collection of static utility methods used to deal with Contexts.
This class represents a curve defined by a sequence of control points.
Filter interface to implement a filter class able to restrict the serialization output of RenderControlsJsonSerializer.
Filter class to modify the serialization output of RenderControlsJsonSerializer.
Builder for an instance of ControlsKitWhiteListFilter.
Payload sent by the server whenever there are no more messages to send for a given conversation.
This listener is responsible for handling messages that are sent as part of a conversation, i.e.
Creates an Annotation programmatically via Annotation API.
A dynamic annotation toolbar which is used to show the toolbar when the annotation is drawn.
An object implementing this interface can be used to determine what cursor to display during the creation of an annotation.
Class for converting a DataUrl
Debounces user input.
Function supplied from outside which will handle any user input emissions.
Logs InitializationEvents during FontManager creation for debugging purposes.
Provides a couple of predefined actions that can be used to control the PageView.
The DefaultAnnotationToolbarInitializer, is a AnnotationToolbarInitializer that dynamically fills the passed toolbar with CreateAnnotationCommand for each type that is defined in the type-set of the annotationProfile.
A default, "hard-coded" implementation of a class holding a bunch of properties used by the jadice web toolkit client.
Default Filter SettingsNames.AFFINE_TRANSFORM is excluded because it won't be serialized completely yet.
A simple implementation of a Matcher for a FilteredDocument (see com.levigo.jadice.web.client.model.document.FilteredDocument) that allows to hide pages in a document.
The JWT implementation of RenderControls.
A default, "hard-coded" implementation of a class holding a bunch of properties used by the JWT server.
A simple and naive tool activation policy activating the first electable tool (if there is one) and electing the first feedback to be provided.
The default UIStyle which, if used, will provide real images for all styles in contrary to the MinimizedUIStyle.
Catches most kind of errors in the demo applciations and delegates them to the NotificationEventBus for further processing.
A default implementation of UndoManager.
Wrangler used for any Type without a special Wrangler
Set how many mouse interactions must be made in order to create an annotation.
Deletes the selected annotations.
Main entry point for localized messages of the demo applications - mainly GUI elements.
This class manually registers those Servlets that require Autowired services and components.
An example of an AnnotationTooltipGenerator which creates tooltips for annotations in the enterprise demo.
This is only for demo use and is being relocated to the relevant demo modules.
Basic Notification with some Styles and Elements to set This is used for all Default-Notifications
Helper class to handle common import actions.
Saves the selection of the document in the OpenPortfolioFormat in local files.
The parameter is given to ExportHandlers and ImportHandlers to handle different types of drag and drop related events.
A implementation to store drag an drop request data in temporary files.
Offers external applications like the document platform access to the drag data.
This exportHandler generates data that can be used with a document platform instance.
Handles drops from the document platform.
Represents a logical document.
An enum consisting of the default document states.
This is a marker interface to be implemented by objects serving as state designators for documents.
An abstract adapter class used to reduce the complexity of implementing DocumentListeners as well as DocumentInterceptor.
Attention: this class is a web technology adaption of the jadice document platform version.
Event fired when a new Document is set to the PageView.
Handles a new "current document".
A provider for reading documents based on Sources.
Central registration for DocumentDataProvider implementations.
DocumentInterceptor completes the interception capabilities for jadice Documents.
Class representing a layer of a Document.
A listener interface for receiving document events.
Attention: this class is a web technology adaption of the jadice document platform version.
Contains information to synchronize a client-side document with the Server.
Receives a serialized document representation and converts it into a real jadice document.
Creates a serializable encapsulation of a document that is used to transport the client's document state to the server in a ServerOperation.
This collection of static methods provides access to DefaultUndoManagers which pertain to Documents.
A tool for zooming to fit width for a page by double tapping on the page.
Command that exports the current document on the serverside into a file of the given type.
Offers clients to download files containing a document export.
A marker interface used to indicate that more aspects than usual of the action are considered to be dynamically changing.
An implementation of DynamicAction that creates labels and descriptions from the context using functions.
An annotation looking like an circle or ellipse.
Demo for showing some features of the Jadice Webclient-Viewer You can set URL parameters, see UrlParameterUtils.UrlParameters for a detailed list.
Serves as substitute for a EntryPoint.
An EventListUndoTracker tracks changes to the contents of an EventList.
The root class from which all event state objects shall be derived.
Helper class to translate raw positions from events into widget related coordinates.
A representation of an exporter, that writes the output to an OutputStream.
Contains static factory methods for common Exporter instances.
ExportHandler can be used to put custom data into a dragEvent.
Class that holds metadata of some printed output stored in a file.
Customer specific repository
Interface for jadice web toolkit Exporter to listen for an unsuccessful export
The target format to be generated.
External style, to use jadice web toolkit with an external CSS file.
Adds support for Drag&Drop for the PageView To enable it, you need to call new FileDropHandler(myPageView).
Compare 2 String objects and use the standard comparison for most of the cases.
A utility class providing different utility methods for reading files via JavaScript.
A Document implementation that allows to apply a filter on its Pages.
A FilterType enum for defining certain downscale filters to apply.
Command that navigates to the first page.
Command that adjusts the zoom factor.
This command fits the current page into the visible area.
A float-based extension of Dimension2D, because there is none in the JDK RT library.
Used to configure the client that shall use standard 14 fonts for text annotation rendering.
A standard WebFontLoader implementation that has the main purpose to repaint the PageView when the loading operation has finished.
These FontProperties help to improve the readability of the code below when there has to be defined whether a font shall be bold, italic, both, or plain.
If you want your own font configuration you have to provide a Component that returns a FontConfiguration.
A servlet providing TrueType fonts, which are available in the server sided FontManager, for download purposes.
Configures the Font manager for loading documents and annotations.
A servlet providing static font-related resources.
Describes how an instance of HoverLensTool / Lens handles the frozen mode.
Button to make a Widget fullscreen WARNING: This uses the RootLayoutPanel and removes it when closing fullscreen.
Marker for the Widget to make Fullscreen
A Tool used within the PageView.
Configure when to hide the arrows
Generate default effects for the EffectIconResourceGenerated
Annotation for ClientBundles ImageResource This cause a generation of Images for the GeneratedImages This can be used by adding it directly to the method, or creating a new annotation annotated with that annotation (to use for example for default-effects).
A Gesture is a user-interaction thats more than a single Event.
Edit Event for multi touch gestures
A Tool providing a google maps search button via tool contribution API.
A Tool providing a google search button via tool contribution API.
This command could be used to apply a predefined gradation action to change the appearance of a document.
This class represents a gradation curve which can be used to map pixel intensity values to rendered intensities.
This command could be used to apply a predefined gradation to change the appearance of a document displayed in the viewer.
An enum listing the text content element levels.
A Grid can be used to align points.
The Grid.SnapTo defines the 'anchor' or 'snap location' for a cell.
Utility methods to attach a Grid to a Document and retrieve or remove it.
A tool visualizing a Grid that was previously added to a Document.
A Point, the user can interact with the Annotation
A Command responsible for creating a TextHighlightAnnotation
Tool for Highlighting some Shapes (in DOCPUnits) This is used by the TextSelection or some SearchTools.
Class for adding Historysupport
Specifies how the text shall be aligned within the annotation
Define which HorizontalAlignments shall be shown in the editor
A horizontal Toolbar
Shape of the hover lens
This extends the MessageContext by carrying the HttpServletRequest of the client.
Interface for all icon fonts.
The DefaultAnnotationToolbarInitializer, is a AnnotationToolbarInitializer that dynamically fills the passed toolbar with CreateAnnotationCommand for each type that is defined in the type-set of the annotationProfile.
This wrangler is intended to be used in conjunction with the IconRenderer.
Settings which control various aspects of the image rendering process like desaturation, gradation or image filtering.
ImportHandler can be used to handle drag and drop events onto the ThumbnailView.
This object provides some context information relating to a message, as well as actions the consumer can perform in direct relation to the ingoing message.
This class is a web technology adaption of the jadice document platform version.
An abstract Command which relieves its subclasses from the chore of dealing with the extraction and validation of arguments from the context.
Represents a native change event.
Dummy to support old syntax of tools
Handler for InputEvent events.
An instruction describes something to be done.
Implementations of this interface are able to actually perform that which is described by an Instruction.
This is a marker interface for actions to be checked against a Permission.
This event gets delivered whenever a RenderSettings, which supports the propagation of changes, has been changed in a RenderControlInventory.
Handler for handling changes in the InventoryRenderSettings.
Represents the current context of the invocation.
An item represents an abstract entity providing just name and (by implementing PropertiesProvider) user properties.
Helper methods for object creation and configuration.
A superclass for buttons displayed in toolbars or widgets.
Builder for a JadiceButton.
Style of the IconButton
The default JadiceButton.
A Viewer for documents
Super type for jadice web toolkit events.
This EventBus is used to propagate the events extending JadiceEvent.
Handler for JadiceEvents
A viewer for media like audio and video.
Main entry point for localized messages - mainly GUI elements.
Original interface as it is known from the Jadice document platform.
A Button used to open a sub-menus.
Event to notify that a touch gesture changed.
Event to notify that a touch gesture ended.
Abstract super class for touch gesture events.
Event to notify that a touch gesture started.
An extension of Exporter allowing to specify typical print settings based on a PrintJobConfiguration
Use the default JWTThreadPoolExecutor
This exportHandler generates data that can be used by another jwt enterprise instance in another browser tab.
This class provides all style classes as an enum to prevent typos.
In some cases, for example when selecting the image for an annotation, we need to get the icon by the name of the annotation.
A sub type of a RectangleAnnotation whose content is an image.
Renders JWTImageAnnotations depending on their profile name and image identifier.
Handles the behavior of the modification of a JWTImageAnnotation: Makes images clickable and set the annotations' size to the native size of the image.
This is a callback for an set load flag callback.
Handles drops between jwt instances in different browser tabs.
Configuration of the Spring beans that the JWTServerContext expects to get injected.
Attaches a name to a KeyCode.
This tool allows to navigate with the arrow keys (up, down, left, right) within the viewer.
Delivers key down events from a single source widget to an arbitrary number of target widgets.
Provides access to a large number of predefined Keys.
A KeyStroke represents a key action on the keyboard, or equivalent input device.
Provider for Labels of Pages in the ThumbnailPageView.
Command that navigates to the last page.
An annotation looking like a line.
Represents a HTML List (unordered or ordered) as a widget.
Represents an HTML list item represented vie <li>.
Represents a list sub menu item.
An Event fired to indicate that something (tiles/document) is currently loading or the loading has finished.
Lists all files contained in the log folder and offers a download of each log file.
Produced whenever a longpoll has been denied with a HTTP Error 4xx.
The LongpollTransportServlet dispatches all incoming and/or outgoing messages using a longpoll mechanism.
Filter that clears MDC information so they're not visible in wrong threads
Simple sample Filter to demonstrate how to pass MDC objects over thread borders.
Handler for handling changes of the visible area of a document
This servlet handles json requests for media metadata.
An UndoableEdit using two Memento, one from before and one after the edit.
The MenuBuilder is responsible for the construction of some kind of menu UI in response to contributions it receives.
A MenuContributor is able to contribute entries to a menu.
Represents an actual JSON payload sent via the server connection.
A MessageContext carries information about the corresponding message, such as the ID of the MessageClient that sent the message, the user Principal, requested URI and and query string.
Used to handle messages generally on the client side.
The MetadataNodes represents a node in an XML-based metadata-document.
An interface to be implemented by classes which expose some kind of meta-data.
Represents the connection method between the client and the server.
Minimal UI Style, meaning that all included icons / images are a 1x1 pixel image with ca.
Gesture to modify the callout arrow line of a CalloutAnnotation.
Gesture to modify the textbox of a CalloutAnnotation.
DragEvent for simulating the Swing DragEvent.
Handler interface for MouseDragEvent events.
Advanced MouseWheelZoom with better algorithm.
Gesture for moving annotations.
This class is needed if multicolor icon font glyphs should be displayed.
Helper-class that wraps multiple OutputStreams and performs the operations on all streams when called
Wrangler for more than one Annotation
Since the GWT-class ImageElement is outdated concerning current HTML5 and JavaScript standards, this class extends ImageElement and adds the native functions which are missing in ImageElement.
use TransportManagerProvider instead
A listener that gets informed if the network layer was initialized.
Command to get the "next" bookmark.
Command that navigates to the next page.
This Filter adds the required HTTP Headers to the HttpServletResponse to force the browser not to cache the resource that was returned.
A filter without any effect.
A "no-op" grid with a Cell width and height of 1.
An implementation of UndoManager that does nothing.
A Notification to inform the User with Errors/Informations and Progresses
Handler for the Notification to hide it selves
This event bus is used to propagate notification events regarding errors and information messages.
Handler function used by the next gen web viewer to generate the descriptions displayed as tooltips and enable/disable the corresponding tooltips.
An abstract representation of an "open action" that is embeddable into a pdf export.
Handler called when the user wants to open a File
This class is used to display some information about scrolling, zooming and rotating (for example the direction of rotation, the zoom factor or the current page index) as an overlay
Represents a page of a Document.
PageLayouts are responsible for laying out pages to be displayed in a PageView.
Event fired when the PageLayout changed.
Handler for handling changes in the PageLayout for a document.
A listener interface for receiving page events.
Utility class for Pages.
A PageSegment represents a single layer of a Page, i.e.
An event of this type will indicate the addition, the removal or the modification of page segments within a page.
The type is used to describe page segment (modify) events more in detail.
A handle to identify and recover a PageSegment on the server.
A PageSegmentSource describes the origin of a page segment.
Event fired when a different Page is selected (by mouse click on page navigation buttons, scrolling...).
Handler for handling PageSelectionChangedEvents.
Widget to select a Page in the Document
Style for the PageSnapIn
ImportHandler used to sort the pages within a thumbnailPageView.
Only applicable for FilteredDocuments.
These layout style constants define a set of well-known page layout styles.
Indicates what should be done while repainting.
Defines when an element should be removed from the PageTextContent cache.
Configures the position of the visible rectangle when navigating through a document.
An implementation RenderSettings pertaining and particular to the rendering within com.levigo.jadice.web.client.PageView objectss.
Utility Methods for the PageView
A tool for scrolling by pressing the left mouse button and moving the mouse.
A base class for scrolling down by pressing the page and moving the mouse or finger.
Pan Gesture with a little panning after MouseUp or TouchEnd
A tool for scrolling with one finger.
An annotation used to specify parameters to be injected into any Command
A PageSegmentHandle containing the password.
A Source containing the password.
Dialog which can be shown if a password is needed to open a document.
An annotation mostly drawn using the mouse pointer.
This exception is thrown if the loading of a document fails due to PDF security issues.
Contains Utilities
An interface to be implemented by permission voters.
Maps permissions from and to DTOs.
Maps permissions from and to DTOs.
Abstract super class for both mouse and touch edit events.
Helper Class for points.
This class solves the problem of managing class hierarchies when mapping objects to DTOs and can be extended for any given base class.
This class publishes the available AnnotationRenderStrategy as enum values.
This class is used to configure how many pages should be preloaded.
PresentationRules allow PageView reactions to events.
The PresentationRuleManager is responsible for the delegation of events occurring on a managed PageView to PresentationRules.
Command to get the "previous" bookmark.
Command that navigates to the previous page.
Command that exports the current document on the serverside into a pdf file intended for printing.
An implementation of an open action that instructs the pdf viewer to show its print dialog when opening the containing pdf document.
If you want your own properties configuration you have to provide a Component that returns a PropertiesConfiguration.
An interface to be implemented by classes providing a map of properties associated with the instances of those classes.
A simple Object providing PropertyChangeEvents and can be used for Client/Server Communication
Client-side Reader to load a document from the server.
This class is used to show how messages (related to a document reading event) can be shown to the user
Exception denoting that a document can not be recovered from its handles.
An annotation looking like an rectangle.
A RegisteredAction provides the content and KeyStroke of all kind of buttons or menu items.
Thrown when there is a problem registering a RegisteredAction with the ActionManager or registering an alternative KeyStroke for an action.
Command to remove all bookmarks from a document.
This type of AnnotationIntent declares the intention to remove one or more annotations as a document or as individual annotation intent.
Command to remove a Bookmark from the current page.
An undoable edit dealing with the removal of elements from a list.
Implementations of RenderControlInventory handle document and page specific render controls belonging to a certain document instance.
Utility class that is responsible to serialize RenderControls to json and the other way round, i.e.
This is a parameter object class used for calls to Tool.render(RenderParameters,boolean).
A ProcessingSettings type which focus various aspects of rendering.
This event gets delivered whenever a RenderSettings property change happens.
Handler for handling changes of the RenderSettings
A resolution specifies a point density in two dimensions (horizontal, vertical) relative to a certain measurement unit.
An abstract servlet for downloading different resources from the classpath or file uploads.
This class is responsible for sending the search string to the server and handle the asynchronously received results on the client side.
This Command is used to invoke a server operation which saves the annotations on a document.
A simple popup panel to show a text area with a title lable.
Almost minimal UI Style with the amendment of the 4 resource icons needed for the viewer scroll bars (the ones that appear if the document tile is bigger than the viewer area).
Defines the desired ScrollBar visibility.
Provides selection information for a given Page.
A selectionBehaviour manages the indices of selected pages in a ThumbnailView
Helper for checking Points of a ShapeAnnotation
This tool is responsible to select an sort pages.
A serializable representation of a Bookmark intended to be used on the server side.
A serializable representation of a BookmarkList intended to be used on the server side.
Common interface for documents exchanged between JWT server and client.
The (GWT-)serializable version of a jadice core SignatureField.
DataProvider that loads drag and drop data that is stored on the server
Handle to load drag and drop data from the server
A source to transfer/load drag and drop data to/from the server
The Utils are used to generate only one server request to save the drag/drop data.
Holds the set of JWT server properties.
Holds the initial configuration parameters the network layer will use.
Enum to define the supported PNG compressions for tile rendering
This is the abstract connection to the server.
This factory creates a ServerConnection that is able to communicate with the server side end point.
The ServletAwareConfig configures WebSocketTransportEndpoints so that they get a ClientSessionRegistry set from the ServletContext.
An InvocationContext specifically for cases when a jakarta.websocket implementation is used.
This tool allows to jump to a specific page.
Factory for RenderSettings instances.
SettingsNames contain the currently supported settings for json Serialization of RenderControls.
SettingsNames contain the currently supported settings units for json Serialization of RenderSettings.
An abstract base class for visual shape based annotations.
This type of AnnotationIntent declares the intention to display annotations.
Displays a popup widget for changing the gradation.
Displays a popup widget that provides resolution calibration behaviour.
Command that is always not Selected and executable.
A simple implementation of a concurrent bidirectional map.
Simple version of an DocumentDataProvider that uses Providers to read and recover
A marker interface for status bar snap-ins.
Stores mappings of Annotation classes to Grid.SnapTo locations.
A Source identifies a Document to read.
Configuration of the Reader when reading the Source by a DataProvider
A SourceID uniquely identifies a page using a tuple of information collected during the reading process: the read-ID of the read operation during which the page segment was read the index of the stream within the read operation from which the page segment was read the index of the page within the stream from which the page segment was read Note that the page being identified here is a format-specific page, not a document-independent jadice Page object.
SplashScreen shown on the PageView when no Document is loaded
This ServerConfiguration.NetworkConfiguration is hooked by Spring Boot and fed with the values from a default configuration file such as the "application.yml".
This ServerConfiguration is hooked by Spring Boot and fed with the values from a default configuration file such as the "application.yml".
An annotation looking like a stamp.
Manages the creation of stamp annotations.
Command to start selecting an area with the AreaSelectionTool.
EffectIcons with state (selected, hover,...)
A state icon is a widget which can have different icons for different states.
Action which stops the AreaSelectionTool.
A StreamSourceID uniquely identifies a stream which was used during a reading process.
Intended to use if you don't want to use the standard behavior how a temp file is created, mainly for security purposes.
An annotation looking like a piece of text.
Manages the creation of text annotations.
Possible values for the initial cursor position in the TextEditor.
Possible values for the behavior of the TextEditor when an outside click occurs
How to behave on rotated Pages
Possible values for initial text selection in the TextEditor.
This gesture allows the textbox of a CalloutAnnotation to be moved without modifying the arrow head position.
A popup executor for the TextEditor to ensure text can be applied to the anno when the popup is closed by clicking outside the popup and to configure whether the popup should be closed when clicking outside the popup..
Annotation implementation to highlight / underscore / strike through text content.
A Tool providing a search button via tool contribution API.
A tool for selecting text via touch input.
A Tool providing a text-to-speech button via tool contribution API.
This servlet handles thumbnail requests for the bookmark thumbnail.
Activates the Thumbnail tool and opens it.
A PageView-like ViewComponent showing Thumbnails for an associated PageView.
Builder for creating ThumbnailViews.
This Filter adds the required HTTP Headers to the to the HttpServletResponse of the tiles to force the browser to cache the image resource that was returned and to configure the duration how long the cache entry is valid.
This servlet handles HTTP tile requests.
Simple implementation of the RenderControls to be fed with the deserialized settings manually on the server because the client implementation is not accessible on the server.
A Widget which can display different IconFonts for enabled and selected state.
This abstract class must be sub-classed in order to contribute additional functionality to page-visualization components like the JadicePageView, or the ThumbnailView.
This class describes an auto-activation request issued by a tool in response to an event.
A superclass for toolbar sub-menus
Event fired when a Tool state or value (see ToolChangedEvent.Cause) has changed.
Handler for handling changes of a Tool state or value (see ToolChangedEvent.Cause).
Manages the viewer-/page-view-related client-side Tools.
A TransportClient is able to establish a connection with a sever in order to exchange messages.
Represents the connection state of the client.
A TransportListener gets informed about client transport events.
This is the invocation context of the adaptive transport layer utilizing implementations to obtain the HttpSession and optionally the HttpServletRequest.
A TransportManager is the core of the transport layer.
A TransportManager is the core of the transport layer.
Extends the WebtoolkitFilter in order to create and configure the network layer and interface it with the backend of the jadice web toolkit.
A tool for two finger gestures.
References an AnnotationType.
Adds server-side Annotation functions that are mandatory for properly working with annotations
Groups AnnotationTypes to form a logical structure in which they should be presented to the user.
A common ancestor for the elements in type set declarations.
UIStyle of JWT.
Class to set the style of this jadice web toolkit integration.
A Permission implementation with a fixed Vote which pertains to any and all Intents.
An undoable edit encapsulates some form of mutating action taken by a user in a user interface, that should be able to be un-done (and later on possibly re-done) at some future time.
An UndoManager is responsible for the management of actions a user takes in some kind of UI and providing means of undoing and redoing those actions.
An enum of various common length units.
An enum of various common length units.
Notification for showing the upload process
An interface for specialized DocumentDataProviders.
String constants that are recognized as URL parameters
Links the valid URL parameters with its valid values / ranges
Utility class escaping certain chars so that URLs fit to our way of tile transportation.
Saves the last n Values and can calculate the average of it.
A vertical Toolbar
This servlet handles video requests.
Viewer containing a PageView within a ScrollPanel.
Builder for Viewers
Type of the Viewer; either a main or thumbnail viewer.
Tool for a ThumbnailPageView to visualize the visible area of the associated BasicPageView.
An enum of choices for the mouse-sensitivity of the visual bounds visualization.
Event fired when the visible area changed.
Handler for handling changes of the visible area of a document
This extends the MessageContext by carrying the WebSocket-Session and the HttpSession of the client.
The WebSocketTransportEndpoint dispatches all incoming and/or outgoing messages using the WebSocket protocol.
Manages requests to the JWT core.
Allows direct access to the core registries like DocumentDataProviderRegistry and AnnotationProfileRegistry.
Container for Widgets.
A tool providing a wikipedia search button via tool contribution API.
Base class of all wranglers.
This type of AnnotationIntent declares the intention to write or save individual annotation instances.
Provides relative zooming behaviour.
Provides some Zoom-Functionality for the PageView.
Use the ClientConfiguration for setting the minimum and maximum zoom value
Widget to zoom the PageView.
Style for the ZoomSnapIn
Provides absolute zooming behaviour.
Widget to Zoom the PageView